“Kiwi delight & Fish and chips apron”





When I visited New York several years ago, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to eat at the great Blue Hill at Stone Barns.  To me, it was not just amazingly delicious food that they served, but it was a whole new experience, a food entertainment if you will.  Very grounded to their local produce, the way they introduce those flavors of seasonal ingredients were one of a kind.  I was shocked to know that such a fun way to eat, smell, feel and think of food even existed.

I longed for the day I would ever be able to experience anything close to that, until I was introduced to chef Kan Morieda couple of years later.  When I went to chef Morieda’s restaurant “Salmon and Trout” (Shimokitazawa, Tokyo), after eating 2 plates of the course meal, something made a strong connection in my physical memory with BLUE HILL.  Chef Morieda’s creation of food was exquisite, very simply presented in a chic way, and had the delicacy and depth rooting to Japanese food.  Every dish had seasonal note to it, and were a surprise to my eyes and taste, somewhat nostalgic, but very original at the same time.  I was overwhelmed by the experience and remember having goose bumps while I ate.

Two of his signature menus are “Kiwi delight” and “Fish and Chips”. I prefer to keep the taste a secret until you actually visit the restaurant, but one thing I can say for sure, is that both of the dishes have the perfect mix of “familiarity” and “never have experienced”




何年か前にニューヨークを訪れた時、どんな幸運が舞い降りたのかかの有名な Blue Hill at Stone Barns でお食事をすることができた。 Blue Hillのお料理はそれまでどんなレストランでも経験をしたことのない、新しい「食」の体験だった。食べるエンターテインメントといったところだろうか。 ローカルの食材にこだわって作られるお料理の数々(全部で30皿、およそ5時間のコース)は、旬の味が斬新な方法で表現され次から次へとテーブルに登場するのであった。私はこんな、食べ物の食べ方、香り方、感じ方、考え方があるのかとショックに近い感動を覚えた。

 あの感動にほんの少しでもかするお料理に出会うことは一生ないのかもしれない…などと恋い焦がれる想いを胸に秘めること数年。昨年、About life coffeeの神戸さんに紹介していただいた、「サーモンアンドトラウト」のシェフ、森枝幹さんと出会ってその想いを思いっきりひっくり返された。コース料理の2皿目を食べ終えたところで、私の体感記憶の中で何かがBlue Hill と強烈に繋がった。手間暇かけた気取ったフレンチのようかと思いきや、食べるとすっと心に居場所をみつけてくれる素朴なお料理。シンプルでシックなプレゼンテーションと、丁寧で深みのある味は今っぽさの中にも、ルーツである日本食をしっかりと感じさせる。1品1品にある「旬」の表現、どこか懐かしいけれどでもやっぱり食べたことのない、目にも舌も驚きのお料理たち。鳥肌を立てながら食べていた。


“Noix Raisin hat”



About 20 second run from the Inokashira park station exit and 5 min walk from my house, is where you will find the coffee shop “Side Walk Stand inokashira”. This shop popped out of nowhere last July, and surprisingly, naturally blended into my everyday life. The fact that this stylish shop suddenly appeared on a grandma-grandpa-friendly kind of sidewalk made me feel uncomfortable in the beginning, although it took me no time to realize the good coffee and cozy atmosphere and I soon became a regular.

They always had about 5,6 kinds of bread and pastry displayed which were freshly baked on their tiny baking factory on the second floor. I was aware of them, but when it comes to bread, I am extremely picky and I wasn’t so attracted to “the bread that a coffee shop sells” for a while. Although one day I gave it a second thought and decided that this store must be pretty confident about their bread since they went out of their way to built a bread factory in this tiny shop. I bought a baguette, brought it back home, and after a bite I immediately fell in love with it and finished the whole thing in seconds.

The crunchy crust, the chewy inside, and the perfect amount of salt told me that this baguette is “something”. Ever since this discovery, now their bread, which chef “Kento Tateishi”’ bakes, has become my go to, not only for my daily meal but also for gifts or any events.

For most of his bread Kento incorporates as much liquid to the dough as possible and challenges to the limit, which makes them very unique. For example, usually “Noix Raisin” (whole wheat bread with walnuts and raisins) tends to be a bit hard and dry, but his Noix Raisin is extremely moist and chewy and has a gentle, pungent smell to it.

When all of his breads are displayed in the showcase, it gives you the mixed feel between a chic bakery and one of your favorite hometown bakery.

Kento has a strong passion to create bread with good quality that everyone from little children to old people can enjoy, and it is always a huge excitement for me to explore the journey of his through his creation.




井の頭公園駅を降りてすぐ、改札を出て小走りで20秒くらいのところにそのお店はある。Side Walk Stand 井の頭公園店は昨年の6月突如として現れ、ゆるやかに地元民であるわたしの日常に合流した。比較的おじいちゃんおばあちゃんにやさしい感じの素朴な通りに、今時な雰囲気のコーヒーやさんがなんの前触れもなく登場したことに始めは戸惑いを感じたものの、気づけば美味しいコーヒーと居心地の良さですっかり常連客になっていた。

